Homelessness: Key Facts & Figures

  • Approximately 1,200 to 1,300 people experience homelessness on a given night in KC and 582,000 people in the United States.

  • About 25% of people experiencing homelessness live with severe mental illness

  • Up to 40% of people experiencing homelessness struggle with substance use disorders, often involving methamphetamine, opioids, or alcohol.

  • The lack of affordable housing is a significant driver of homelessness in Kansas City. Rising rent prices and stagnant wages push many low-income individuals and families out of stable housing.

  • Domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness, especially among women and children fleeing abusive situations.

  • Veterans are disproportionately affected by homelessness, often due to PTSD, substance abuse, and other challenges tied to military service.

Additional Resources and Support

For people in Kansas City who are struggling with homelessness or want to get involved, here are some resources:

For people in the United States who are struggling with homelessness or want to get involved, here are some resources: